01744 734229
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To discuss your needs with us and request prices, please get in touch. From our base in St. Helens, we offer prompt delivery throughout the North West and nationwide.
Here at Massey Coldbeck Engineering we stock an extensive range of products for the commercial and industrial sectors. Everything we stock has been well-maintained, refurbished if need be and priced competitively. To enquire about our product range, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Our sister company http://www.masseycoldbeck.co.uk/
Electric Motor Specialists - Imperial B56 - Metric - Brake - Two Speed - Slip RIng - Marine - Hazardous Area Eexd(e) Exna Eexe Dust & Gas Groups
Industrial Fans and Blower Specialists - Axial - Centrifugal Single / Double Inlet - Plate Mounted - Case Mounted - Backward Curve - Mix Flow - Inline